Thursday, 30 April 2020

Egg in a hole

Egg in a Hole

This morning I made egg in a hole. I got it off my study ladder
How I made it: First  I cut a hole with a cookie cutter in the centre
of a piece of bread.Then I cooked one side of the bread until it
was gold in a frying pan then flipped it over. Then I cracked an
egg into the hole and cooked it for a couple of minutes. 
It was delicious!

Tuesday, 28 April 2020


We made crosses out of wood and stuck poppies on them and put them on the bottom of our drive way.  We did this to remember the people who died in the wars.

Tuesday, 21 April 2020

Leaf Art

This is my mandala. I made it out of a lily pad,a rock, some leaves and flowers.  A mandala is  circular piece of art.